Monday 2 March 2009

Facebook privacy

The number 1 rule about social networking is to only put something on the web if you don't mind it being seen by others. By others I mean almost anyone at all. Be prepared to have what you put on the web twisted and used in other contexts. Only write something on anyone else's blog if you won't regret it or you wouldn't mind the whole world from seeing it on your own blog. On facebook it is possible to limit what certain people can see by using friend lists and changing your privacy settings. Facebook changed it's terms of service and this produced uproar. I think that it is ok for facebook to change its terms of service but only if people are warned about it and left in control. This could avoid the huge uproar at the change.You should check your privacy settings and make sure that you are fine with them.
Facebook shouldn't be so dominating in not letting you delete your account and letting go of your information. I think that facebook is ok if used responsibly. Then it can be good fun.
The most important thing on your facebook page is your privacy page. This is to help with your safety for the future. The school, emoployers, teachers, family and friends have facebook and it is possible for them to access your information even if you do not want them to. DFacebook is not secure and some people either do not know this or do not care. If you are interviewing for a job and your employer sees a picture of you making a fool of yourself at a party, then they might not employ you. Having bad privacy could ruin your life or destroy friendships, So MAKE SURE THEY ARE AS YOU WANT THEM.

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