Monday, 15 December 2008

Google Earth

Google earth is images taken by satellite and they let you zoom in surprisingly far. Individual houses can be picked out from all over the world. Also as I didn't know until recently, there is a whole other side to google earth that lets you look at the stars and solar systems around the earth. There is so much detail and effort that has been put into creating it. Hundreds of the stars or solar sytems have little descriptions when you click on them. There is even an interactive side to it as the planets in our solar system can be moved according to a date that you set on a timeline so you can see where they were at that specific date. This is truly amazing. WorldWide telescope also does the same thing but in much greater detail. THere are so many different options on google earth that you could spend hours on it. Google maps also lets you look at the earth but is singles out the roads and puts each road name on the correct road. Google earth is truly remarkable.

My first blog

Hello! This is my first ever blog and I have been asked to create this blog as homework in ICT.I will keep this blog up to date as it is a presence of me online. Blogs are ways of posting things all around on the web and this is very useful for many different aspects of ICT. Blogging has existed for ages, years and years ago people kept journals and diaries. This is essentially and online journal. It only really went online in 1983 since then it has been used very frequently and now 112 million people worldwide have blogs just like this one. Blogs are also ways of putting yourself on the internet. Many people put all their personal information online where it can be read by anyone. That is a blog. Privacy settings can be adjusted but may people cannot be bothered or do not know how to edit these. My blog also will be used for posting homework as a way of handing it in in school.
So that is what I think of blogs and why I have been asked to create and maintain a blog for my ICT homework.