Thursday, 2 April 2009

Pecha Kucha and presentation

Presentations are sometimes quite hard and there require a lot of nerve to get up on a stage and present to people. some people find them very difficult, whereas some relish the thrill of it. Presentations can be done quite badly by people in high places so it is an important skill in life to be able to do them well as they can be very useful. I enjoy presentations and public speaking and I did manage to win out of the presentations on global issues day. Doing regular speeches in English and many presentations in Geography has helped this but also being involved in public speaking and debating too.

This is link to a very useful page about presentations. The golden rules are to have as little as possible on the slide and to talk about it yourself, to keep it natural and elegant, to suggest or show something and not to just tell it and keeping it to a bare minimum.
There are many presentation making applications such as Microsoft power point, google docs-presentation and slide share. These can all be really good and produce brilliant presentations if they are used well.

This video shows the ways to not do a presentation.

These ways are: to not put every word on each slide because then what is the point of you being there at all; to make sure that you spell check; only have the essential points in bullet points, as they are the essentials and they need to stand out; make sure you sort out your colour schemes as they can make it hard to read and a distraction; don't put too many slides in your presentation; don't have too much data as it gets too complicated; don't have too many animations and entrances as they are distracting; and finally, have a good font that can be read.

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