Monday 27 April 2009

Pecha Kucha presentation

This is my presentation and this is around what I said to each slide
Slide 1
I will talk about endangered animals that live in the wild.
There are different classifications of endandered and I am going to explain each one
extinct in the wild
critically endangered
Slide 2
Extinct in the wild
Alagoas Curassow a bird that lives in zoos in south america particularly brazil.
South China tiger, a subspecies of tiger which apparently all other tigers descend from them originally. They are smaller and more valuable to poachers than the normal tiger.
Slide 3
south china tiger
20 left in captivity around the world
they are dying out. It is the locals in the area that they live that killed them off. They attack the local sheep and livestock and the locals kill them. Their bones are used in traditional medicines and their skins are sold by hunters.
Slide 4
Critically endangered
will decrease by 80% within three generations.
Arakan forest turtle lives in Burma
Brazilian merganser- waterfowl
The black rhino
Slide 5
white vs black
SLide 6
White, wide mouth-dutch word weit , grazer grass, larger
black pointy lip, browser, smaller
Slide 7
black rhino endangered
Smaller easier to hunt for their ivory
Land destroyed to graze cattle. They do not eat grass.
3, 610 left in the wild( kenya and east africa)
Slide 8
blue whale
snow leopard
Slide 9
Giant panda
As well as being very cute they are in danger from logging companies as they only eat bamboo so forest which live in are being cut down very rapidly. Not meant to be herbivore so needs to eat so much so many die lack of food.

Slide 10-What can we do?
we can support the many animal charitys at work in these areas.
We can campaign against logging and deforestation.
We can buy fairtrade products that support these charities too.

Honestly I thought that I did my presentation well as I didn't really read off my script or the board too much as some other people did. I have leant not to put too much text on the slides so I had none at all. I thought that I engaged the audience quite well and that my slides were good because of their simplicity in the stye of Pecha Kucha.
I was given an A grade for my presentation.

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